Friday, August 10, 2012

Wrong Motives

                Summer 2008, I met this young lady in a convention. It was a simple cliché of a love-at-first-sight moment. 

The convention was a five-day event which comprised of different activities. The first event was the opening night ceremony. I was observing the girl by that time and as the days went on; I was gathering thoughts and waiting for an opportunity to talk to that girl.

One activity of the convention required us to be in groups to visit different departments for children in Davao. In the midst of all these, I somehow got separated from my group. Each group had a staff to go along with them as they were visiting the departments. I was lucky enough to be reassigned to the group where the girl was a staff.

My new group went to Kaakbay, a rehab for children with a problem on their tactile sense. At this point I finally mastered enough courage to talk the girl (who will remain unnamed). It was a nostalgic moment that many men may have encountered once or twice. In the end, she gave me number.

The convention passed and I went back to my hometown. The girl was sort of religious. With this in mind I started to be active in our church. I believed this would impress her; but succeeding weeks of my work proved me wrong.

In my efforts to catch this girl’s attention, I was exhausted. I became frustrated and irritated. She doesn’t even care.

More weeks had passed as I started teaching in our church. My motive started to change. I started to love my job. Soon, I volunteered to be in the outreach ministry of our church. My views on religion changed. It wasn’t long before I have completely forgotten my first intentions. I even joined a school ministry called the Philippine Student Alliance Lay movement (PSALM) after I left the outreach ministry.

In a simple way of explaining this event, I just say that God changed my life. In the end, God was considerate enough to use what I want to bring me closer to Him. All things work together for our good.

What started out as a simple crush in a convention, became my way to different types of ministries. Maybe He’s doing the same thing to you.

 -Majaducon, Arthur S.

Room 77  - this is a link to a play where she participated in.

You can see the girl here. She is the lead singer. You know. The Girl.

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